Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Scenario New Television Programee

New television programme aimed at 15-21 year old

Firstly i would conduct interviews to find out what the age range are interested in and what attracts them about a programme , I would then look up on the internet what TV programmes similar to mine have the most views and why they have the most views. Everyone knows that if you put beer, fighting, drugs, and romance and somehow link it together into one programme it will attract teenagers.

I would then conduct qualitative research by asking a group of teenagers what they think about my idea and what would they like to see more in programmes and tell me what they can relate to. As well as quantitative, qualitative is used to gain insight into people's attitudes, behaviours, value systems, concerns, motivations, aspirations, culture or lifestyles. so based on that i can write down how many people tuned in to shameless when it is on or skins to put down factual information.

For the audience I would ask were about they live to get a perspective on what their cultures like so I can relate my programme to them and what they like for example if there from Manchester , you can put knife crime in your scenes or gangs. Like other research I would need to find out how much it’s going to cost me and certain aspects I need to know about like how much staff I’m going to need, how much the cameras are going to cost , what actors can i get and think about how I’m going to make it like an ordinary programme.

market research is any organized effort to gather information about markets or customers and I would conduct market research by finding out were the gap in the market is for example because the inbetweeners isnt on any more , so i would then aim a comedy at 16-21 year olds and include the stuff they want to see.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Primary Research, Secondary Research, Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research

Primary Research

Primary research is getting an insight into original primary data its usually undertaken after the researcher has gained some insight into the issue by collecting secondary data, certain techniques to conduct this research is by questionaires, interviews and direct observation.its most commonly used when use of academic research,market research and competitive intellegence.The advantage of primary research its a research comfort zone , the researcher can decide on such what they ask for instance- size of project, timeframe and goal.also its easier to focus on specific subjects and easier to have a hold on.A disadvantage or problem about primary research is that it can be highley expensive when gathering certain information also by the time the research is finished it may be out of date.An example of primary research would be : A radio station gives out a questionarre t find out weather the public like the music they play within the audio time they have.

Secondary Research

Secondary research is a method of collecting data that has already been gathered by some one else. It is a technique used when performing marketing research. It is a useful method as it allows the researcher to identify a new topic rather than one that has exhaustively been researched.Secondary research is another way of conducting marketing research, however it differs from primary research as the information found has already been put together by someone else. Some people think of it as “secondhand” information.An example of secondary research is what i have just done , looking at yahoo answers to find out an example of secondary research.

Quantitive Research

Quantitative research is about asking people for their opinions in a structured way so that you can produce hard facts and statistics to guide you. To get reliable statistical results, it’s important to survey people in fairly large numbers and to make sure they are a representative sample of your target market.The research is based on measurable facts and information that can be counted,producing numerical and statistical data.An example of quantitave research is tv ratings.

Qualitative Research

completley opposite to quantitive research, qualitive research is based on opinions rather than facts and numbers.
Qualitative research seeks out the ‘why’ not the ‘how’ of its topic through the analysis of unstructured information – things like interviews, open ended survey responses, emails, notes, feedback forms, photos and videos. It doesn’t just rely on statistics or numbers, which are the domain of quantitative researchers.
Qualitative research is used to gain insight into people's attitudes, behaviours, value systems, concerns, motivations, aspirations, culture or lifestyles.